Alcohol Involved Accidents
August 3, 2021 / Category: Motor Vehicle Accidents

Being impaired by alcohol highly increases the chance of accidents causing injury or death. When impaired, humans are unable to function as quickly as normal as well as affect judgement, concentration, and sight and hearing abilities.
In Canada, the maximum legal BAC (blood alcohol concentration) is 0.08 when driving for fully licensed adults. Even with this amount, risk of accidents can increase by up to eleven times. In order to eliminate this risk, don’t drive after having any sort of alcohol, no matter how little. It is also important to monitor others who have been drinking and wish to drive. Stores, restaurants, and even party hosts that give alcohol to people already highly intoxicated can be held responsible for any accidents they may cause while impaired. Even the day after heavy drinking, the brain still does not function as normal and reasoning and reaction skills may be compromised.
According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Canada, three to four fatal car crashes occur each day in Canada due to alcohol impairment and over 60,000 people suffer injury each year. Not only is it unsafe to drive a car while impaired, it is also unsafe to drive a boat. Forty percent of boating related deaths in Canada are due to alcohol related accidents.
The penalties for impaired driving in Ontario include: 90-day licence suspension, 7-day vehicle impoundment, a $550 penalty, and a $281 licence reinstatement fee. If offences continue to occur, one may be required to attend mandatory treatment programs and use an ignition interlock device for at least 6 months. If another person is injured the driver can face up to ten years in jail. If another person is killed, the driver can be charged with manslaughter and face a life sentence. The effects of impaired driving can be catastrophic to both the driver and the injured.
If you or someone you know is affected by an impaired driving accident our team can give you a free consultation to explain how to protect yourself and your rights.